1 Миний Аз Жаргалын Дуу (Song Of My Happiness)
2 Учралын Уянга (Lyric Song)
3 Өргөн Хангайн Нутаг (A Broad Expanse)
4 Хунгийн Дуу (A Swan)
5 Хилчиний Хөшөө (A Monument To A Fronter Guard)
6 Хоёулаа Дуулъя (Let's Sing Together)
7 Хүлээлт (Expectations)
8 Сайхан Үйлсийн Толоо (For Kindly Deeds)
9 Тэр Бидэнд Хайртай Байсан (She Loved Us)
* Late 60s style oriental rock from the first ever Mongol rock band released in 1981
* Fans of ethnical pop mixed with western soul and jazz rock will love this
* The ultimate legendary crown jewel from the Mongol rock and pop scene
* Excellent sound and performance by high class professional musicians
* Long awaited and overdue first rerelease on vinyl and first time ever released on CD.
* Remastered audio
* Ultimate collectors item for fans of 70s ethno rock
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